BITCOIN SCRIPT: Write the bitcoin ScriptPubKey script for a transaction that can be redeemed by anybody who supplies a square root of 1764?

BITCOIN SCRIPT: Write the bitcoin ScriptPubKey script for a transaction that can be redeemed by anybody who supplies a square root of 1764?

Bitcoin script: For the following questions, you're free to use non-standard transactions and op codes that are currently disabled. You can use as a shorthand to represent data values pushed onto the stack. For a quick reference, see here: a. Write the Bitcoin ScriptPubKey script for a transaction that can be redeemed by anybody who supplies a square root of 1764. Write a corresponding ScriptSig script to redeem your transaction. Suppose you wanted to issue a new RSA factoring challenge by publishing a transaction that can be redeemed by anybody who can factor a 1024-bit RSA number (RSA numbers are the product of two large, secret prime numbers). What difficulties might you run into?

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