Why does DPOS provide greater tps (faster) than Bitcoin-NG?

Why does DPOS provide greater tps (faster) than Bitcoin-NG?

In Bitcoin-NG example Waves, a leader is elected who can then validate micro transactions, with speed limited by network propogation times.

DPOS example EOS for example has 21 delegates ("block producers"). They validate transactions, and thereafter speed is limited by network propogation times.

Typically DPOS is quoted as having something like 10x greater tps capacity than Waves (Bitcoin-NG) e.g. https://scryptoworld.com/waves-set-become-fastest-decentralized-blockchain-platform-globally/ (these figures seems a bit off but just an example)

What is it that makes DPOS faster?

Is hardware limitation a factor? e.g. together 21 block producers can sign more transactions when network is under stress (although network propogation is more of a barrier than signing speed? - and 21 bps (or majority) would all have to check the transactions anyway?)

If a transaction is validated by 21 blocks producers then it is sent out to network as being valid as the 21 say so (as I understand) - but isn't this the same as Bitcoin-NG, or with Bitcoin-NG is it not true that it is valid once the leader says so, it has to be included in subsequent blocks to be confirmed (in which case is tps a measure of 0-conf tps i.e. when is a transaction a transaction)?



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