Error when sending signed transaction with blockcypher api

Error when sending signed transaction with blockcypher api

Im using bitcoinj library and blockcypher api for creating wallet and transactions on Bitcoin Testnet. I get this error when sending signed transaction.

"error": "Error validating generated transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing 1eaf42445d037370ed5b37dd2e5a4a4f672aabb659e200d81a5f6fe9545e52d7 at 0: Script was NOT verified successfully."

So, first i create new transaction, then in reponse i get this { "tx": { "block_height": -1, "block_index": -1, "hash": "a3d9881f64e987bf700436118da676745629b29aaec00ceee658f03a61330987", "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC", "mgKGQMT9TB9XjhpVZCUsSNNQV5pWF6yqSb" ], "total": 11320617, "fees": 4700, "size": 119, "preference": "high", "relayed_by": "", "received": "2019-01-31T13:30:07.624499085Z", "ver": 1, "double_spend": false, "vin_sz": 1, "vout_sz": 2, "confirmations": 0, "inputs": [ { "prev_hash": "1eaf42445d037370ed5b37dd2e5a4a4f672aabb659e200d81a5f6fe9545e52d7", "output_index": 0, "output_value": 11325317, "sequence": 4294967295, "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash", "age": 1453583 } ], "outputs": [ { "value": 5000, "script": "76a91408c24023f9172ab0042ea2bef2b077517e0b826288ac", "addresses": [ "mgKGQMT9TB9XjhpVZCUsSNNQV5pWF6yqSb" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash" }, { "value": 11315617, "script": "76a9142d36b60f3dd37f3cca06876846a597bfdf2cf63f88ac", "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash" } ] }, "tosign": [ "389a2e15c404b2c2a85ce4d68101fc568f55e42df3a4c1c97fdeaa7816cee29c" ] }

I take this "toSign" hash and then sign with my private key from wallet.

private fun getSignedTransactionHex(transactionToSign: String): String {
    val wallet = walletService.loadWalletFromFile("dsadasd")

    var privateKey: BigInteger? = null
    wallet.importedKeys.forEach {
        privateKey =  it.privKey
        publicKey = it.publicKeyAsHex
        System.out.println("Public key: $publicKey")

    val ecKeyWif = ECKey.fromPrivate(privateKey)
    val wifAsString = ecKeyWif.getPrivateKeyAsWiF(walletService.getTestNetwork())

    val dpk = DumpedPrivateKey.fromBase58(null, wifAsString)
    val ecKey = dpk.key

    val testNet = walletService.getTestNetwork()
    val check = ecKey.getPrivateKeyAsWiF(testNet)

    val hash = Sha256Hash.wrap(transactionToSign)
    val signature = ecKey.sign(hash)

    val res = signature.encodeToDER()

    return res.toHexString()

Then, ill add this signed hash, my public key and "toSign" hash to transaction that i got from response earlier. { "tx": { "block_height": -1, "block_index": -1, "hash": "a3d9881f64e987bf700436118da676745629b29aaec00ceee658f03a61330987", "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC", "mgKGQMT9TB9XjhpVZCUsSNNQV5pWF6yqSb" ], "total": 11320617, "fees": 4700, "size": 119, "preference": "high", "relayed_by": "", "received": "2019-01-31T09:39:33.07827321Z", "ver": 1, "double_spend": false, "vin_sz": 1, "vout_sz": 2, "confirmations": 0, "inputs": [ { "pre1v_hash": "1eaf42445d037370ed5b37dd2e5a4a4f672aabb659e200d81a5f6fe9545e52d7", "output_index": 0, "output_value": 11325317, "sequence": 4294967295, "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash", "age": 1453583 } ], "outputs": [ { "value": 5000, "script": "76a91408c24023f9172ab0042ea2bef2b077517e0b826288ac", "addresses": [ "mgKGQMT9TB9XjhpVZCUsSNNQV5pWF6yqSb" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash" }, { "value": 11315617, "script": "76a9142d36b60f3dd37f3cca06876846a597bfdf2cf63f88ac", "addresses": [ "mje2F5tdP5t2R5sWyPGdTD2EycbBJqKGTC" ], "script_type": "pay-to-pubkey-hash" } ] }, "tosign": [ "389a2e15c404b2c2a85ce4d68101fc568f55e42df3a4c1c97fdeaa7816cee29c" ], "signatures": [ "30440220236ab8fddb66f9ae008e17e05795ed37394e07f0f1df4325d30d03aac4fac56a02200f45f4eb9174c58d419df3d98ad045a4f21cc35b1a5912c3df63e336e7ce59c4" ], "pubkeys": [ "0268768af434d44d700e0578bbbd89ad7100ee83f86430310fec3b7931468c1b9e" ] }

Im doing something wrong probably, do you have any suggestion?


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