Bitfinex & Market Synergy To Offer Institutional Calibre Cryptocurrency Connectivity Market Synergy GmbH , a Swiss-based organisation which offers institutional cryptocurrency connectivity and security for banks, brokers and hedge funds has been selected by Bitfinex to provide robust, high performance connectivity for institutional clients. Market Synergy has designed and built a bespoke network for Bitfinex, hosted in a Swiss data centre in the heart of Crypto Valley. In addition to providing outsourced connectivity and hosting services to Bitfinex, Market Synergy can also manage co-location services for Bitfinex’s institutional clients and offer a FIX feed and ISP link to the digital asset gateway which Bitfinex recently launched in collaboration with Connamara . Market Synergy is a separate company within the FXecosystem Group , which also comprises of FXecosystem and Bondecosystem, both of which are institutional market leaders in outsourced connectiv...
Bitcoin Core errors with database block I've had the follow issue: on one machine I've launced Bitcoin Core v0.16.0 and Litecoin Core v0.16.0. Each application work in separate datadir also each application have setted callback call for event walletnotify . For now I use both application with testnets. Recently, there have been frequent cases when these applications stop sending transactions, when restarting, an error occurs: "Corrupted block database detected. Do you whant to rebuild the block database now ?". It happens on both apps Bitcoin Core and Litecoin Core, after rebuild applications continue to work, but after a while it happens again Please help me, what I doing wrong? Thank you for any advice
QUESTION ABOUT SLOW API do you know about api requests cryptocurrency exchanges? Simple ticker request may be viewed like this: or like this: Different: in first case we get info about all currencies in one request and then pick up certain symbols and parameters, we need. Symbols are the keys of dictionaries or lists and other params are their values. In second case I should create new request for each currencies I considering. Is it neccesary? If I consider, for instance 60 symbols, and do operations with them in Python - programm bot become slow enough. One-two ticker requests are long about 30 sec - for compare, in first case - 5 sec. How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
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