Selection of UTXO with Pending (non-mined) Transactions [duplicate]

Selection of UTXO with Pending (non-mined) Transactions [duplicate]

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I have a theoretical question about Blockchain Wallet implementations.

Say wallet A has UTXO's for {50, 30} with ID's {0,1} and wants to send wallet B 2 separate payments of $40 each before any block containing the first transaction can be mined.

What is the protocol for handling this? What UTXOs will be referenced as inputs to each transaction? How can the 2nd transaction use the Output of the 1st as its Input if miners can mine any transactions irrespective of order?

There must be a selection criteria to avoid unintentional double-spending: simply checking the Blockchain for all UTXOs doesn't account for the latest pending transactions. It seems you must all check the pending transactions before validating any transaction or creating any transaction?


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