How to get final transaction hash based on skeleton and privateKey?

How to get final transaction hash based on skeleton and privateKey?

I use to create BTC transaction. I have to

  1. hit them to get tx skeleton,

  2. sign it (I do have private key)

  3. hit them again (submit tx into network)

How can I get a final tx hash after step 2)?

I guess, I have all needed data.

Some internals ( after step 1) I have

"hash": "b683602a699f116ea657a2ae92af9c8e0e17a8370af74546c1db01b93aaeaac0",
"tosign_tx": [ "010000000131c7d74ed143c63a2d904f092486241456dd6eafdd3a48cb97bbd5b335568b12010000001976a9143be3c7715d36cea2398cd154e39b6b2ecbe67ee588acffffffff0240420f00000000001976a914f395247d6151b3f86049bb87aeb33da61e64992088ac148ae800000000001976a9143be3c7715d36cea2398cd154e39b6b2ecbe67ee588ac0000000001000000" ], "tosign": [ "0117c8ee1371d334f095110991f07fc5ecaeb6f52702782a1d8f2422d395ec68" ]

This hash is not real one (it's not signed yet).

tosign_tx is array of hex (number of elements corresponds amount of input txs). I can deserialise it into transaction

tx1: Transaction =
2c1444ce2c7f19ec8ca69e234f0eae3c17244b6f5d6aa4851dda7ae2a749030b in DUP HASH160 PUSHDATA(20)[3be3c7715d36cea2398cd154e39b6b2ecbe67ee5] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG outpoint:128b5635b3d5bb97cb483addaf6edd5614248624094f902d3ac643d14ed7c731:1 out DUP HASH160 PUSHDATA(20)[f395247d6151b3f86049bb87aeb33da61e649920] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG 0.01 BTC out DUP HASH160 PUSHDATA(20)[3be3c7715d36cea2398cd154e39b6b2ecbe67ee5] EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG 0.152397 BTC prps UNKNOWN

Any code is very appreciated (java/bitcoinj/whatever).


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