How to generate a Litecoin testnet addresses (Segwit also) (Derivation path, bip32)
How to generate a Litecoin testnet addresses (Segwit also) (Derivation path, bip32)
I'm creating a wallet that generates address for litecoin mainnet in two ways.
One is using bitcoinjs-lib. This library has an object with all the data need it to create private keys and address:
import Bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib' console.log(Bitcoin.networks.litecoin) { messagePrefix: '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n', bip32: { public: 71979618, private: 71978536 }, pubKeyHash: 111, scriptHash: 196, wif: 239 }
This ok for the mainnet, but I am not able to find on internet the same version of this for testnet.
The other way is using derivation paths. But again, I only could find the mainnet version of this.
mainnet: `m/44'/2'/0'/0/${index}` mainnet_segwit: `m/49'/2'/0'/0/${index}`
Any idea where I can find it?
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